How close is the Fourth Hokage to the First?

Описание к видео How close is the Fourth Hokage to the First?

I’ve been talking about Hashirama vs Minato for a long time… an extremely long time. In fact just recently my first debate on the topic had its 4 year old birthday and I’ve had many more since that one. That being said I don’t care to claim to be an expert at talking about it but you could probably guess that I’ve heard any and everything there really is to say about it so I want to approach this video from a different angle than I would normally approach a vs battle where I would talk about one characters stat and then how the other character compares in that same stat. Instead I’m going to give the arguments for why each character would win this specific match up with that being the case this video does not have to be watched in Chronological order nor is it meant to be you can click the chapters below and skip to any one of the arguments and hear how they would play out every section is going to be a different argument and these arguments won’t build off of each other or at least I don’t plan on that happening if it does I’ll be sure to mention it.

Intro: 0:00
Lore Accurate Minato (Outdated): 1:07
Lore Accrate Hashirama (Updated): 4:31
Minato's sealing jutsu: 6:38
Hashirama's sealing jutsu: 15:32
Hashirama's poison: 16:35
Minato's underrated win-con: 17:53
Hashirama's stamina: 18:46
Conclusion: 19:55


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