Discover a Career in Cosmetic Surgery | AACS 2023 Forum for Physicians Entering the Specialty

Описание к видео Discover a Career in Cosmetic Surgery | AACS 2023 Forum for Physicians Entering the Specialty

Watch the replay from the AACS 2023 Forum held live at the AACS 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting in San Diego.

AACS Certified Cosmetic Surgery Fellowships are the only cosmetic surgery training programs that fully prepare you for a career in cosmetic surgery.

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Faculty presentations:

-What makes AACS Unique
AACS is a multi-disciplinary organization; engaging in our community can be a unique educational experience,
improving patient safety and outcomes.

-5 Things to Do in Residency to Prepare Yourself for a Career in Cosmetic Surgery
As you move forward in your career to becoming a cosmetic surgeon, what can you do now to prepare?

-What Cosmetic Surgery Fellowship Program Directors Look for in Applicants
Learn a few tips from an AACS Fellowship Program Director on what can you do to improve your fellowship application and to prepare for your fellowship interview.

-Day in the Life of a Cosmetic Surgery Training Fellow
How better to learn about the role of a Training Fellow than a behind the scenes look at a typical day.

-Board Certification: Why Is It Important?
Learn why being board certified can benefit your patients and practice.

-Benefits of Transitioning into Different Practice Settings: Solo, Small Existing Group Practice, Corporate
All these practice settings have their pros and cons, learn why former Training Fellows selected the practice setting they did post-fellowship.


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