Elizabeth and Nathan - When You Love Someone

Описание к видео Elizabeth and Nathan - When You Love Someone

I've changed my mind. 💖

I really felt like that after everything Nathan has been through these last few years that Elizabeth had some explaining to do. And, while I think they have plenty to discuss and clear up, like the jail scene, it is absolutely clear that Nathan's unconditional love for her will win out very quickly over any hurt he may still be dealing with. I don't believe it will take much nudging at all for him to start fighting for them again.

It's what he knows to do and it's what he WANTS to do. You do crazy, illogical things when you love like he loves her.

He has been listening to her from the beginning. He's sacrificed, he's stepped up, and he's stepped back when he had to. He's encouraged her, fought for her, protected her, and always been honest with her. She has wanted him involved in the decisions in her life that matter most, like with Little Jack, and he has never shied away in the tough conversations.

This isn't a second-rate love story. Nothing about Nathan and Elizabeth is "next to best." It is great! The kind of great she is looking for and feels she deserves. And we feel that he deserves, too.


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