Bounty hunter Tracker IV Metal Detector How to Make the Tracker IV BETTER

Описание к видео Bounty hunter Tracker IV Metal Detector How to Make the Tracker IV BETTER

Tracker IV Metal Detector:

Are you interested in making the Tracker IV even better than it already is? I'm going to tell you how in this video.

For under $100.00 you just can't beat the Tracker IV from Bounty hunter Metal Detectors. But I'm going to tell you how to make this metal detector even better.

It comes down to the following:
The right settings.
The right accessory equipment
The right Batteries
Knowing the Secret Tricks

Tracker IV videos mentioned in this video:
How to Set the Tracker IV up:
   • Bounty Hunter Tracker IV Review Demon...  

Advanced Tips and Tricks for the Tracker IV:
   • Bounty Hunter Metal Detector Tracker ...  

#bountyhuntermetaldetector #trackeriv #metaldetecting


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