A Level Chemistry Revision "Standard Enthalpy Changes"

Описание к видео A Level Chemistry Revision "Standard Enthalpy Changes"

You can find all my A Level Chemistry videos fully indexed at https://www.freesciencelessons.co.uk/...

In this video, we look at what is meant by "standard conditions". We then explore the four different standard enthalpy changes. These are standard enthalpy change of combustion, standard enthalpy change of neutralisation, standard enthalpy change of formation and standard enthalpy change of reaction. In each case, I take you through the definition and then show you some common mistakes that students sometimes make.

This video is aimed at the UK A Level Chemistry specifications. Students studying International A Level Chemistry will need to check their specification.

Image credits:

Thermite reaction


User:Nikthestunned (Wikipedia), CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/..., via Wikimedia Commons


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