why should we pre-plan (English) | Nirvana Life Plan | NLP | FSP | 富贵山庄 | MyNirvana.info

Описание к видео why should we pre-plan (English) | Nirvana Life Plan | NLP | FSP | 富贵山庄 | MyNirvana.info

What is and why should we pre-plan? Have a look at this video and the mystery will be solved.

Just like having a first aid kit at home and purchasing medical insurance for emergencies, it is prudent for us to be always prepared for the unexpected.
Bereavement care can be costly and rising every year. Imagine what would happen to your loved ones when tragedy strikes and you are unprepared?

Nirvana Life Plan is an essential and hassle-free pre-crisis assurance plan that combines Nirvana’s best products and services to ensure all your bereavement care needs are taken care of before such the need occurs and it has 6 main advantages.

Melvin Choong | Nirvana Life Planning Director
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