Beat Saber - KDA Popstars Expert+ (Mixed Reality)

Описание к видео Beat Saber - KDA Popstars Expert+ (Mixed Reality)

My friend and I decided to put his green screen to use, and were recording some gameplay for the first time late last night. We noticed the update and decided to give the new track a shot. This is my first attempt at it, and I gotta say it's personally my favorite official Expert+ track so far. It's got great flow and some unique patterns I hadn't seen yet, and I really started getting into it!

We got it done quick and dirty, but we'll be rendering out nicer videos in the future. Because of the update I lost the saber color menu, and couldn't set it back to default for the video, but I fixed it later by reinstalling the mods. We were also recording off my phone, so hopefully we can upgrade to a proper camera and get the mixed reality pipeline more streamlined through LIV, but for now I'm pretty happy with the results.

Recorded with OBS, keyed in post in After Effects.


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