Dalai Lama leads followers in Kalachakra ritual

Описание к видео Dalai Lama leads followers in Kalachakra ritual

(13 Jan 2006)
1. Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama conducting Kalachakra prayers
2. Mid shot of Dalai Lama
3. Various of Buddhists praying
4. Close up of Dalai Lama
5. Various of monks distributing water for purification ceremony
6. Various of monks distributing bread
7. SOUNDBITE: (English) Robbie Wood, Australian Buddhist:
"I think that each time you do take an empowerment, what happens is you learn a little more because the intricacies of Buddhism is so great that - then you pick it up, another piece and another piece so, I think its very very intense but very profound. I found that this time I'm more involved than ever."
8. SOUNDBITE: (English) Tran, French Buddhist:
"It is a gift of, the most marvellous gift that any Buddha can give to us. And it is in a sacred place where 2500 years ago Buddha himself would have Shaka-muni (religious title) did the same initiation to the Shambhala king. And it is great honour to be here, it is very great, great honour."
9. Wide shot of statue of Buddha being installed by the state administration
10. Wide shot of entrance to the conclave ground
11. Mid shot of security
12. Close up of security equipment
13. Wide shot of Buddhists arriving
14. Mid shot of Dalai Lama
15. Close up of offering
16. Various of monks in prayer
17. Dalai Lama leaving
Buddhism's spiritual leader the Dalai Lama led tens of thousands of Buddhists in the Kalachakra ritual on Friday, one of the most important in the Tibetan Buddhist faith.
The Kalachakra, meaning the wheel of time, lasts several days and involves the faithful performing visualization and purification exercises. They also construct an elaborate "mandala," a circular design representing the universe.
The Kalachakra initiation is performed by the Dalai Lama and promotes basic Buddhist values, including compassion, peace and tolerance.
The Dalai Lama is offering the ''Kalachakra Empowerment'' for the 30th time in his life.
The spiritual teaching session is being held at Amravathi in India's Southern Andhra Pradesh state. Amaravathi means "Deathless Realm" in the Buddhist scriptural language.
Situated on the bank of the Krishna River, Amaravathi became a Buddhist settlement of repute after Lord Buddha gave the first Kalachakra teaching here.
According to scriptures, Lord Buddha revealed this Buddhist tantric practice in the town, a mix of astrology, physiology and yoga that ultimately leads to ''enlightenment''.
Around 100-thousand Buddhist monks, spiritual leaders and foreign tourists from across the world are expected to visit the region during the 10-day long ceremony.
Hundreds of security men are guarding the venue of the conclave which will end on January 16.
The Dalai Lama fled Tibet in 1959 with thousands of supporters, following a failed uprising against China. Since then, he has headed a government-in-exile in the northern Indian town of Dharamsala.
He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 for his non-violent struggle against Chinese rule of his homeland.

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