Greer Amps Green Giant DIY Guitar Pedal Clone Sound Demonstration

Описание к видео Greer Amps Green Giant DIY Guitar Pedal Clone Sound Demonstration

This is a sound demonstration for a homemade/DIY Greer Amps Green Giant guitar pedal. It's a great sounding distortion pedal that you may want to make yourself.

Here's the build report so you can make this guitar pedal yourself. It includes a schematic and stripboard layout:

Here's my clone DIY guitar pedal build of the Greer Amps Green Giant. I'm pretty sure you can't get these anymore so it's good to build one if you like the sound. It's a distortion pedal with a big of a twist. Read on to find out more (or have a watch of the video).

The pedal is based on an Electra Distortion circuit and actually only has one level of distortion overall, the "mix" knob on the left actually mixes the clean and dirty signals to make more or less dirty signal come through. The Green Giant by Greer Amps is a pretty simple guitar pedal that you can build yourself. As mentioned, it's just a modified Electra Distortion circuit, which is just one transistor, a couple diodes, and a handful of resistors and capacitors. If you're a beginner, this is a great pedal to build.

All in all, I think the pedal sounds great. It's a DIY guitar pedal that's easy to build and sounds good, so there's little reason not to build one of these things for your rig. More experienced builders probably already have the parts lying around!

If you want to build one yourself, check the link at the top of this description. In the article I outline anything challenging about the build that you should be aware of. I also present both the schematic and the stripboard layout. That way you, if you want to make modifications to the circuit, you can see what you're doing as per the schematic.

This sound demo is using a Fender Stratocaster guitar in the middle pickup position and a Fender Hotrod Deluxe amp.

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