16 Ways to Establish Trust with Prospects

Описание к видео 16 Ways to Establish Trust with Prospects

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In this video, I am going to show you how you can earn and secure full trust with any renter and in doing so increase your effectiveness to get the lease.

Because of a handful of unethical property managers and leasing agents out there. Many of your prospects have their share of bad “apartment experiences” and they may not completely believe everything you tell them.

These past bad experiences and skepticism places your renter on high-alert and makes it very difficult for you to establish the trusted rapport necessary for them to sign a lease on one of your apartment units.

If you work for a smaller portfolio, “trust” could be the major reason you are losing leases to the large REIT’s. It not that they have a better apartment at a better price, its that the prospects don’t know of your management company making it that much harder for you to earn their trust. If you do work for a Greystar, Lincoln or Pinnacle don’t start thinking you’ve got trust “in the bag” because of where you work; You still need to earn a personal level of trust if you want to be a killer closer and lethal leaser.

Wherever you work and for all properties from Section 8 to Ultra Luxury it is critical that you learn that stabling trust is YOUR responsibility, not your prospective renters.

If the renter doesn’t trust you, the information you give them will be minimized and challenged and your unit and offer will be shopped at other properties.

When a renter doesn’t trust the leasing agent, they will always add time to the cycle. If you are hearing your prospects say “I need to think about it” this can almost always be traced back to a lack of trust in what you have presented them.

Remember, we are not selling Frisbees or Fritos, the opportunity cost of not signing a lease on an apartment is homelessness. The last thing a prospect wants to do is to delay a decision and end up living in a van down by the river. But that is exactly what they will do if they don’t trust you.

When you become aware of what is going on in the mind of your prospect, you have entered the arena of the great professional leasing machines and you are well on your way to become a major player in property management.

Watch this video to learn ultra-effective tips on how you can build trust with your prospects


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