Half-Life Speedrun - Tutorial en español [Parte 11] - Surface Tension

Описание к видео Half-Life Speedrun - Tutorial en español [Parte 11] - Surface Tension

Bienvenidos al tutorial en español mas completo sobre speedrun de Half-Life 1
HL SR/BHOP LATAM:   / discord  
Instagram:   / _asel_ga  
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Discord: Asel_ga

00:00 Tutorial
01:55 Salto del Papu
07:16 Tutorial
17:30 Cult2pipe y Out of Bounds
33:39 Tutorial
41:43 Tripmine Hell
45:56 Tutorial
55:22 Easy IHD y Maxam IHD
1:13:24 Calculando los Ciclos de HP
1:20:36 Tutorial
tags: Half-Life, HL, Speedrun, tutorial, español, configuracion, instalacion, guia, any%, guide, tutorial, completo, full, half, life, 2, 1, valve, software, livesplit, carreras, competencia, competitivo, competicion, retro, crosshair, source, gabe, twitch, aselga, expansiones, blue shift, opossing force, fps, first person shoter, primera persona, videojuego, accion, puzzle, black mesa, mecanicas, conceptos basicos, glitchs, bugs, grenade boost, bunnyhop, wallstrafe, double duck, duckroll, muty, kananga, invive, senior, protoaus, mboheio, object boost, grenade boost, gaussboost, selfgauss, edgebug, jumpbug, npc abuse, 4 fps abuse, ammo duplicate, box item duplicate, sharking, waterboosting, cracks, loadings, fastladder, ladderclimbing, +use, crash, crash game, saves, default_fov, mousepad, run, speedrun, speedruning, sourceruns, goldsource, gldsource, hl1, HL WON, hlwon, hard strats, strats, mental, aselga, maxam, qckdth, physics, jwchong, diepiify, Test Chamber, Skip, TC, TCSKIP, vortigaunt, kekw, uc, unforeseen consequences, office complex, barney, npcabuse, npc, skip, movement, hostiles, we, ve, got, hostiles, atajo, fastest, chapter, easy, gigachad, shark jump, blast pit, on a rail, apprehension, grunts, surface tension, maxamihd, mihd, cult2pipe, pipe2pipe, st, out of bounds, oob


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