Operation mode selection at FR F700 in Mitsubishi Drive

Описание к видео Operation mode selection at FR F700 in Mitsubishi Drive

Operation mode selection at FR F700 in Mitsubishi Drive⚙️
𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖👍 𝕊𝕦𝕓𝕤𝕔𝕣𝕚𝕓𝕖👆 𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕖 👨‍🔧

   • Operation mode selection at FR F700 i...  
Pr.79, Used to select the operation mode of the inverter.
You can freely change between operations by an external signal
(external operation), operation byPU (FR-DU07) (PU operation),
operation by the combination of PU operation and external operation
(external/PU combined operation) and network operation (when
RS-485 terminals or a communication option is used).

Specify operation mode at power-on(Pr.340)
⋅ When power is switched on or when the power comes back on after
instantaneous power failure, the inverter can be started up in the
network operation mode.
After the inverter has started up in the network operation mode,
parameter write and operation can be performed from a program.
Set this mode for communication operation using the inverter RS-485 terminals or communication option.

⋅ You can set the operation mode at power-on (reset) according
to the Pr. 79and Pr. 340settings.
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