H-Bomb Ivy Mike - 1952 / 1954 | Movietone Moment | 2 Nov 18

Описание к видео H-Bomb Ivy Mike - 1952 / 1954 | Movietone Moment | 2 Nov 18

Yesterday was the anniversary of the detonation of "Ivy Mike", the first thermonuclear weapon to utilize the H-bomb design in 1952. Here’s the Movietone report on this event.

Pictures just released of the first Hydrogen Bomb experiment held by the United States in the Pacific, show the effects of the tremendous explosion. With total destruction within a radius of three miles, the centre of any city in the world could be obliterated.

(Material shot Nov. 52. Released March 1954). Cut story - KS. Mushroom cloud. Shot of map showing the Islands. Mix to aerial shots of the sea. Shot of the American ship "Estes". The operation was called "Operation Ivy". Shot of bough cutting water. Aerial view of the Marshal Islands. VG. Various shots of special building erected on Eniwetok Atoll. Shots of various measuring devices being fitted by scientists. Various shots of apparatus. Interior shots of high ranking officials. Various shots dials, gauges etc. Shots of officers on board ship. One officers explains what will happen when they let off the H Bomb. Men put on glasses. Shots of firing switches. CU man counting out the seconds. Various shots of giant explosion. Shock wave coming across the sea. Men on board ship watch explosion. Various shots of cloud and mushroom shape going into the air. Shots of helicopter flying over the target area. The island had completely disappeared leaving a large crater in the sea. Map drawing of island and crater on same. Fade to GV of St. Paul's. More shots of the islands. Another view of the explosion with New York super-imposed over same. Elevated view and GV of the Houses of Parliament. GV of long River Thames. Fade to Tower Bridge. Diagrams of height and width of explosion. Diagram of radius of devastation. More shots of explosion.

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