Rat and Cat All Challenges w/ OG Laser Pointer [RTX: ON] - FNaC 3 Custom Night

Описание к видео Rat and Cat All Challenges w/ OG Laser Pointer [RTX: ON] - FNaC 3 Custom Night

took less than an hour to beat this, got a 4am and 2 3ams but no 5am deaths

dont know how to feel about this completion, it feels easier than it shouldve been, also i used shaders for a one time bit and beat the mode with them on which might have made it easier somehow but it just feels the same as gamma adjusting (also thats why i put rtx on in the title, poking fun at the period of time when gd showcasers just put random shaders on every video they made)

enjoyment 83.45621/101.233333333331
difficulty 3/10
rtx on 10000000000000000000000/10

50/20 deluxe no death coin COMPLETED tomorrow trust me


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