What if Bruce Dickinson sang for DRAGONFORCE - Through The Fire and Flames feat. Aquiles Priester

Описание к видео What if Bruce Dickinson sang for DRAGONFORCE - Through The Fire and Flames feat. Aquiles Priester

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Raphael Mendes - Vocals
Aquiles Priester - Drums
Luis Kalil - Guitars/video editing
Raphael Dafras - Bass
Mixed and mastered by Ricky Bonazza
Drums mixed by Adair Daufembach

Check their channels:

Luis Kalil -    / luís kalil  
Raphael Dafras -    / drafas  
Aquiles Priester -    / psychoctopuswebsite  

Support me on PATREON!!! -   / raphaelmendes  
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#dragonforce #throughthefireandflames #brucedickinson


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