Day 2 - 2020 Mancation Solo Motorcycle Ride

Описание к видео Day 2 - 2020 Mancation Solo Motorcycle Ride

This is day 2 of the 2300 total mile solo motorcycle trip. This leg of the trip is also about 364 miles and goes from Canyon, Texas to Taos, New Mexico. In this leg we leave Texas and head toward the mountains. It should be an amazing ride! Time Stamps and equipment list below.

Video Timestamps
00:04 - Intro
00:12 - Morning Summary
01:24 - First riding with sunrise
01:40 - Stop for breakfast
02:16 - Back on the road
03:11 - Stop just before the mountains of New Mexico
04:59 - Back on the road. Heading for the mountains
05:30 - First mountains
06:10 - Deer
06:22 - Stopping for drone footage
08:41 - Back on the road
09:53 - Eagle Nest, New Mexico
10:00 - Little bit of rain
10:24 - Stop outside of Questa, New Mexico for personal story
12:30 - Back on the road
13:13 - Arrive in Taos, New Mexico
14:04 - Arrive at hotel
14:28 - Parking lot lunch
15:20 - After ride wrap up

Camera Equipment List
Primary Camera: GoPro HERO8 Black

Helmet GoPro Mount: Official GoPro 3M sticky curved helmet mount

Trunk GoPro Mount: Official GoPro Suction Cup Mount

GoPro Wind Protection Cover: Taisioner Windslayer Cover

Extra GoPro Batteries: Artman Hero 8/7/6 1500mAh Replacement Batteries(3-Pack) and 3-Channel LED USB Storage Charger

Memory Cards: Samsung (MB-ME32GA/AM) 32GB 95MB/s (U1) microSDHC EVO Select Memory Card with Full-Size Adapter

Drone: DJI Mavic Mini with Fly More Combo

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