Cafe de Reve - AI Melody Channel Romantic Jazz - J22405SA002

Описание к видео Cafe de Reve - AI Melody Channel Romantic Jazz - J22405SA002

Drift through the velvety night to Café de Rêve, a hidden gem where the aroma of freshly brewed dreams mingles with espresso. Here, under a canopy of twinkling stars, the French accordion dances a waltz with time itself, each note a gateway to an era of cobblestone whispers and lantern-lit secrets. Sip on the nocturnal brew, let the rhythms twirl, and who knows? You might just waltz away with a dream or two.

Title: Cafe de Reve ( Download: )
Genre: Jazz, Smooth Jazz, Instrumental Jazz
Album: AI Melody Channel Romantic Jazz Collection ( Download Complete Album: )
Energy Level: 2
Scenario: Background Music for Relaxation
Mood: Nostalgic, Romantic
AMC#: J22405SA002 (Details about this number can be found below.)

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