Is death time travel?

Описание к видео Is death time travel?

Can death feel like time travel into very distant future?

Let's imagine a scenario where person dies, let's say in 1989 and like everyone else, his/her consciousness/ memory disappears and his/her body decomposes and disintegrates. Years, centuries and millennia pass and then, at some point in a very distant future, probably in 5000 AD, there is enough reverse technology that we can fully retrieve every single particle, re-creating our physical body, brain and all information, so we can physically resurrect a human being with full consciousness. How it will feel? I am sure it would feel and look like as if someone is just awaken after fractions of second for his understanding, he/she will probably remember last moments in 1989 but all the sudden there will be complete different World, 3000+ years passed, nothing is known anymore as if instantly passed those centuries.


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