Darksiders 2: fighting Wicked K as a level 26 on Deathinitive!

Описание к видео Darksiders 2: fighting Wicked K as a level 26 on Deathinitive!

Yea this was harder for me than I thought. I make mistakes easy so that’s why I have health steal on my weapon. I needed it for this attempt. He easily defeated me within two attacks, I guess I wasn’t ready for it 😅.

But what’s nice about this version in DS 2 is it’s a farmable boss for materials. Weapons and armor after each time you beat him. I tried to beat the 100 waves as a level 26 and I failed epically. So before I moved on I fought wicked k to upgrade my blades. Here’s one epic fail, a slogged victory, and an easy win.

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