Brokkolisprossen selber ziehen - Tutorial und gesundheitliche Wirkungen

Описание к видео Brokkolisprossen selber ziehen - Tutorial und gesundheitliche Wirkungen

🏥Gesundheitspraxis Dominik Machner

👉 Podbielskistraße 325 - 30659 Hannover


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📖 Mein Buch zu veganer Ernährung im Sport:

🌱 Brokkolisamen zum Keimen von Dr. Jacobs:

 🌱 Nahrungsergänzungsmittel:

Für die meisten sinnvoll, vor allem im Winter:

☀️Vitamin D von TrueVee: Mit dem Code Machner10 erhalten Sie 10% Rabatt.

Für alle Veganer ein Muss:

🌱 Vitamin B12 von Dr. Jacobs:

Für die meisten in Deutschland sinnvoll:

🌱Jod & Selen von Dr. Jacobs:

Für alle, die nicht jede Woche fetten Fisch essen. Auch wichtig in der Schwangerschaft:

🌊 Vegane Omega 3 Fettsäuren EPA & DHA von Dr. Jacobs:

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Physiological and Biochemical Metabolism of Germinating Broccoli Seeds and Sprouts

Targeting Cancer Stem Cells With Sulforaphane, a Dietary Component From Broccoli and Broccoli Sprouts

Sulforaphane Inhibits Gastric Cancer Stem Cells via Suppressing Sonic Hedgehog Pathway

Sulforaphane, a Dietary Component of Broccoli/Broccoli Sprouts, Inhibits Breast Cancer Stem Cells

Compound in Broccoli Restores Tumor Suppressor Activity

The Role of Diet and Physical Activity in Breast, Colorectal, and Prostate Cancer Survivorship: A Review of the Literature

Intake of Cruciferous Vegetables Modifies Bladder Cancer Survival

Cruciferous Vegetable Consumption and Stomach Cancer: A Case-Control Study

Isothiocyanates induce oxidative stress and suppress the metastasis potential of human non-small cell lung cancer cells

Broccoli Sprouts Reduce Oxidative Stress in Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Double-Blind Clinical Trial

Potential Efficacy of Broccoli Sprouts as a Unique Supplement for Management of Type 2 Diabetes and Its Complications

Effects of broccoli sprout with high sulforaphane concentration on inflammatory markers in type 2 diabetic patients: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial

Effect of Broccoli Sprouts on Insulin Resistance in Type 2 Diabetic Patients: A Randomized Double-Blind Clinical Trial

Pathogen Detection, Testing, and Control in Fresh Broccoli Sprouts

Bioavailability and Kinetics of Sulforaphane in Humans After Consumption of Cooked Versus Raw Broccoli

Chemoprotective Glucosinolates and Isothiocyanates of Broccoli Sprouts

Broccoli sprouts as inducers of carcinogen-detoxifying enzyme systems: Clinical, dietary, and policy implications


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