Stress and Emotional Eating

Описание к видео Stress and Emotional Eating

Recording of the November 20, 2020 Zoom program.

Too many people have developed a dependency on food to deal with underlying issues such as stress, anger, or other extremes of emotion. Instead of learning how to recognize these sensations for what they are, we’ve now begun to turn to FOOD as a means of medicating these symptoms, and emotional-eating statistics are on the rise. In this class, you’ll learn some strategies to begin to address emotional and stress eating to support health and longevity.

Join Brooke Seiz, functional nutrition practitioner, for a class on Stress and Emotional Eating. Stress eating is common with 27% of adults sharing they turn to food to deal with stress, and 34% of adults admitting that stress eating is a habit. In this class, you'll learn what stress eating is, and some of the physiology at play when this behavior is present. You'll learn some tips and tricks to help curb stress eating, and become a more mindful eater.


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