Using Water & Water Pressure 🔅DWARF FORTRESS STEAM🔅

Описание к видео Using Water & Water Pressure 🔅DWARF FORTRESS STEAM🔅

Dwarf Fortress features some pretty complex behavior in an attempt to simulate fluid mechanics.
One aspect of this behavior is seen in the form of pressure. The basic idea here is quite simple - certain forms of fluids movement exert pressure, causing them to potentially move upwards into other areas. Knowing how to manipulate pressure as needed allows you to quickly move fluids wherever you wish in your fortress allowing you to build things a dwarf can be proud of. Note that fortifications do not neutralize pressure.

There are three methods for neutralizing fluid pressure: diagonal connections, screw pumps, and active control systems.

Diagonal Flow: Liquids moving via pressure can only move to orthogonally adjacent tiles. When faced with a diagonal gap, pressure will fail to move the liquid, forcing the liquid to instead spread out. By forcing fluids through a diagonal connection you can prevent pressure from propagating past a certain point.

This does not work on a vertical basis - water only travels straight up and down to different Z-levels, never diagonally.

Water in a U-Bend
The key to understanding how high a z-level water will reach is to understand which tile(s) pressure is being exerted on. Pressure will cause the water level to go as high as the tile upon which pressure is being exerted, but no higher.

Water can be displayed in two ways, depending on the settings in d_init.txt. By default it is displayed with the symbols ≈ and ~, sometimes colored different blues, and white, showing ripples, and flow. Setting [SHOW_FLOW_AMOUNTS:YES] in d_init.txt will cause water to display using a depth indicator of 1 through 7 instead. Water can also take on other colors indicating contaminants such as blood, ichor, or goo.

Understanding Pressure & Using Water Safely
Water Zone In Dwarf Fortress
Fresh Water In Dwarf Fortress
Creating a clean water source
How to get Water into your Fortress
How to get Water inside Dwarf Fortress
Piping Water to Your Reservoir in Dwarf Fortress
How to Build a Screw Pump in Dwarf Fortress
How to Use a Screw Pump in Dwarf Fortress
Neutralizing Pressure in Dwarf Fortress
How to Build a Pump in Dwarf Fortress
How to Use a Pump in Dwarf Fortress
How to Clean water in Dwarf Fortress
How to Build a Well in Dwarf Fortress
How to Use water In Dwarf Fortress
Prevent Flooding In Dwarf Fortress
Dwarf Fortress Glacier Challenge
Safe Plumbing in Dwarf Fortress
dwarf fortress fluid dynamics
Well Stacking Dwarf Fortress
Dwarf Fortress Tutorial
Dwarf Fortress Guide

Ancient Bridge Magic:
An old way to safely breach water or magma. =)
Miners are able to mine out tiles diagonally above them even if there is a bridge over their heads. First you dig out your magma/water tunnel to feed wherever in your fort you need it and dig it right up against the warm/damp stone. Then you channel against the warm/damp stone. Build a magma-safe bridge over the trench, making sure to cover all channels, and then seal off access. Dig a new separate path to access the now bridged-over trench. Finally, designate the warm/damp stone wall on the Z level of the tunnel for mining. Your dwarves will stand on the ramps beneath the bridge but will somehow still mine out the squares diagonally above them, causing the Fluid to flow safely onto the bridge leaving your dwarves unscathed."

Ramp under a bridge trick Dwarf Fortress
Drain Cavern Lake Dwarf Fortress
Dwarf Fortress Bridge Method for Breaching Water
Dwarf Fortress Bridge Method for Breaching Magma
Dwarf Fortress Liquid Exploit
Dwarf Fortress Dig Liqiud From Below
Dwarf Fortress Tapping Fluid From Below

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Dwarf Fortress (Official Steam Soundtrack)
by Dabu, Simon Swerwer, Águeda Macias

Songs of Saltfork album for use in the Dwarf Fortress utility Soundsense by zwei (and smooth stone lounge listening). SoS is loosely inspired by a coastal biome. You can find this song, and all his others for FLACking free on   / simonswerwer  

All of Simonswerer's songs are CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike)
Kevin MacLeod's songs are Creative Commons license


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