Gen 1 Nissan Leaf 3 Years Later | Cheapest EV Review | Should You Buy a Nissan Leaf?!

Описание к видео Gen 1 Nissan Leaf 3 Years Later | Cheapest EV Review | Should You Buy a Nissan Leaf?!

I finally sold my Nissan Leaf - the only reason is the limited range and degrading battery. There was no affordable way to refurbish or replace the battery. The Leaf is a gateway to owning Electric cars. After owning the Leaf I don't want to go back to gasoline, and so I bought a Bolt. I tried my best to not spend this review comparing this Leaf to my Bolt.

If there were a proper battery refurbishment or replacement program for the drive battery, I probably would've kept this Leaf. The minimal degrading range was the only reason I had to sell it.

When I bought the Bolt it would've cost about $15,000 CAD to replace the Leaf battery. I sold the Leaf for $12,000 CAD. So in reality, the difference between buying a brand new car versus replacing the battery in this Leaf was only about $10,000 CAD. And the car had 130,000 KM on it when I sold it. So Car Stuff was going to start going wrong with it, ie brakes, wheel bearings, suspension, etc.

0:00 Introduction.
0:43 Overview
2:43 Range Issues
6:25 Battery Replacements
7:47 Conclusion
8:45 Bolt vs Range Anxiety


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