Mass Deliverance in Sydney

Описание к видео Mass Deliverance in Sydney

Watch God deliver so many people at once! If you need healing or deliverance - God’s power is moving through this video! Receive freedom and healing!🔥

The sounds of demons leaving people (with shrieks) is the most glorious sound! It’s the sound of the captives being set free! It’s the sound of chains falling! ⛓️It’s the sound of prayers answered; finally free at last after many years of bondage for some!

This is what church should look like: a place where demons shriek and leave people! A place where the sick find healing! A place where people have real encounters with Jesus and surrender their whole lives because they’ve actually met Jesus and not just heard about Him! Come and be a part of God’s move; His revival! It’s time for the body of Christ to accept God’s anointing and His new wine! 🔥

Thank you Jesus for delivering your people! Thank you Jesus for your anointing that destroys the yoke; that exposes demons and casts them out! Thank you Jesus for REVIVAL!
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