Open Meeting Agenda for Thursday, December 19, 2024, at 10:30 a.m.
0:00 Start
2:12 Agenda #15 Discussion
8:58 Agenda #16 Discussion
14:50 Agenda #17 Discussion
29:53 End
1. Minutes of the open meeting of Thursday, December 12, 2024
2. 5-BS-276 - Joint Application of Wisconsin Electric Power Company, Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, and Madison Gas and Electric Company for Approval to Acquire Ownership Interests in the High Noon Solar Electric Generation Facility and Battery Energy Storage System in the Towns of Leeds, Lowville, Arlington, and Hampden, Columbia County, Wisconsin (proposed notice of investigation)
3. 3270-EI-107 - Request of Vivo Living Madison, for a Waiver of Wis. Admin. Code § PSC 113.0803(3) Regarding Individual Electric Meters (proposed notice of investigation)
4. 3270-TU-100 Application of Madison Gas and Electric Company for Approval of Arrearage Management Program (proposed notice of investigation)
5. 4220-AF-114 - Northern States Power Company - Wisconsin Notification of Receipt and Deferral Treatment of Fifteenth Settlement Payment from the Department of Energy (proposed notice of investigation)
6. 4220-SB-142 - Application of Northern States Power Company-Wisconsin for Authority to Amend and Extend the Credit Facility and Authorization Period (proposed notice of investigation)
7. 4220-SB-143 - Application of Northern States Power Company – Wisconsin, For Authority to Issue and Sell up to $750 Million Aggregate Principal Amount of Debt Securities in One or More Series (proposed notice of investigation)
8. 6240-CW-118 Application of the City of Waukesha, as a Water Public Utility, for Authority to Construct a New Utility Operations Center, in the City of Waukesha, Waukesha County, Wisconsin (proposed notice of investigation)
9. 6260-CW-107 Application of the Village of Waunakee, as a Water Public Utility, for Authority to Construct Replacement Well No. 6, Elevated Storage Tank and Well House, in the Village of Waunakee, Dane County, Wisconsin (proposed notice of investigation)
10. 137-CE-212 - Application of American Transmission Company LLC, as an Electric Public Utility, for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Construct and Operate the Mill Road-Granville Transmission Line Project, Consisting of Two New 138 kV Transmission Lines, Rebuilding Two Existing Double-Circuit 345/138 kV Transmission Lines, and Constructing the 345 kV Mill Road Substation Located Primarily in the City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, and the City of Brookfield and the Village of Menomonee Falls, Waukesha County, Wisconsin (proposed notice of proceeding)
11. 5-UR-111 - Joint Application of Wisconsin Electric Power Company and Wisconsin Gas LLC for Authority to Adjust Electric, Natural Gas, and Steam Rates (draft final decision)
12. 6690-UR-128 - Application of Wisconsin Public Service Corporation for Authority to Adjust Electric and Natural Gas Rates (draft final decision)
13. 9300-PLI-128 - Investigation of the Complaint of Wisconsin Power and Light Company against Forward Contractors, LLC, Referred to the Commission Pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 182.0175(3)(br)2. (draft final decision)
14. 1-AC-258 - Revision of Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapter PSC 135 Gas Safety to Adopt Updates to the Federal Gas Pipeline Safety Code. Order Adopting Proposed Rules and Associated Legislative Report (suggested minute) (KC/TNB/AJK memorandum of 12/4/24)
15. 5-DEC-2025 - Digital Equity Capacity Program Initial Scoping Memorandum (suggested minute) (JF/TK/AK/MB/JL/CL memorandum of 11/21/24)
16. 9714-FG-2024 - Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Funded by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in a Department of Energy Grant. Rural Energy Startup Program Proposed Design and Budget for Round 2 (suggested minute) (JF/TK/JP/OS/NL memorandum of 10/14/24)
17. 6680-AF-108 - Application of Wisconsin Power and Light Company for Recovery of ANR Pipeline CIAC Investment in the Heartland Expansion Project (suggested minute) (KC/TNB/JM/DP/KC memorandum of 11/11/24)
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The next open meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 7, 2024, at 10:30 a.m.
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