337: The Most-Listened-To Craft Beer & Brewing Podcast Episodes of 2023

Описание к видео 337: The Most-Listened-To Craft Beer & Brewing Podcast Episodes of 2023

The final episode of the year is our chance to look back on the year of brewing conversations and highlight those episodes that struck the biggest chords with you, our listeners. Joining Jamie in the co-host chair is Khris Johnson of Green Bench (https://www.greenbenchbrewing.com) in St. Petersburg, Florida, and together they count down the ten most-listened-to episodes while sharing excerpts from each. The top ten include:

• Averie Swanson of Keeping Together (https://www.keepingtogether.com/) on farmhouse ale

• Mattias Trum of Schlenkerla (https://www.schlenkerla.de/indexe.html) on the history of rauchbier in Bamberg

• Joran Van Ginderachter and Shawn Bainbridge of Halfway Crooks (https://halfwaycrooks.beer/) on German hops in lager brewing

• Joe Mohrfeld of Pinthouse (https://www.pinthouse.com/) , Steve Luke of Cloudburst (https://cloudburstbrew.com/) , and Zach Turner of Single Hill (https://singlehillbrewing.com/) on evolving products for fresh hop brewing

• Travis Fritts of Old Nation (https://oldnationbrewing.com/) on the similarities and differences in lager and hazy IPA brewing

• Doug Velicky of Revolution (https://revbrew.com/) on extending brands in a crowded craft beer marketplace

• Henry Nguyen of Monkish (https://www.monkishbrewing.com/) , J.C. Tetreault of Trillium (https://trilliumbrewing.com/) , and Neil Fisher of Weldwerks (https://weldwerks.com/) on brewing hazy IPA

• Brian and Mary Rooney of BKS Artisan Ales (https://bksartisanales.com/) on softening the edges of hazy IPA

• Justin Burdt of Ghost Town (https://www.ghosttownbrewing.com/) on selecting hops for pungency

• and, Vinnie Cilurzo of Russian River (https://www.russianriverbrewing.com/) , Evan Price of Green Cheek (https://www.greencheekbeer.com/) , and Kelsey McNair of North Park (https://www.northparkbeerco.com/) on brewing West Coast IPA Now!

This episode is brought to you by:

G&D Chillers (https://gdchillers.com): For years G&D Chillers has chilled the beers you love, partnering with 3,000+ breweries across the country along the way. Reach out for a quote today at gdchillers.com (http://www.Gdchillers.com) or call to discuss your next project.

BSG Craft Brewing (https://Bsgcraftbrewing.com/): Looking for a sustainable way to increase fermenter capacity? Try FermCap™ Eco from Kerry, a plant-based alternative to traditional silicon-based products. FermCap™ Eco increases fermenter capacity by reducing foam height to improve beer foam stability and enhance hop utilization.

Old Orchard (https://www.oldorchard.com/brewer): Old Orchard supplies flavored craft juice concentrate blends to beverage brands for the production of beer, cider, seltzer, wine, spirits, kombucha, and more. Flavor your lineup and streamline your sourcing by heading to oldorchard.com/brewer (https://www.oldorchard.com/brewer)

ProBrew (https://www.probrew.com) The ProFill series of rotary can fillers from ProBrew are accelerating plant production everywhere. For more information, visit www.probrew.com (http://www.probrew.com) or email [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) .

Omega Yeast (https://omegayeast.com): Thiolized yeast are a new tool for brewers to bring intense guava and passionfruit aromas out of your malt and hops. And wait, there’s more! Omega Yeast makes yeast-to-order with a consistent one week lead time ensuring peak freshness and reliability.

California Craft Beer Summit (https://cacraftbeersummit.com). Everyone’s talking about 2024 California Craft Beer Summit, March 12-14 in Sacramento. Kicking off the Summit as the Keynote speaker is Rob Tod, the pioneer who built Allagash Brewing. Check out the full schedule at the website cacraftbeersummit.com.

The American Homebrewers Association (https://HomebrewersAssociation.org/cb... Join the American Homebrewers Association to unlock the 2023 National Homebrew Competition medal-winning recipes! Learn more at HomebrewersAssociation.org/cbbpod (https://HomebrewersAssociation.org/cb...)

Lotus Beverage Alliance (https://lotusbevalliance.com): Building a brewery requires coordination: equipment, supplies, funding, and more. Lotus Beverage Alliance simplifies the process, offering all the elements for your business in one place. Their team of engineers, brewery consultants, and financial advisors are here to help.

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