Bandsaw vs Scroll Saw: All Purpose or the Fine Woodworkers tool

Описание к видео Bandsaw vs Scroll Saw: All Purpose or the Fine Woodworkers tool

Similar in many ways, both the scroll saw and band saw have a lot in common. And yet, in practice, each saw is used for very different purposes. Although both the scroll saw and band saw are designed to cut curves in wood, each tool has a slightly different purpose. And each have different strengths and weaknesses.

Read our entire article here:
How to Use a Bandsaw:    • How To Use a Bandsaw for Resawing, Cu...  
How to Use a Scroll Saw: h   • How To Use a Scroll Saw For Fine Wood...  
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At first glance, scroll saws and band saws are very similar.
Both have a blade that sits in an upright fashion, perpendicular to a large platform.
Both saws move the blade up and down in order to cut the material.
You use both saws in a similar fashion – rest the material on the table and slowly push and direct it through the blade.

A band saw can cut a wide array of materials and can cut very thick materials, but it can’t cut tight curves and turns. On the other hand, a scroll saw can cut very tight curves and turns, but is limited in the type of materials and thickness it can cut.

Selecting the right saw depends on what you want to achieve. Where the scroll saw can cut intricate patterns, the band saw can cut ultra-thin veneer panels. They both have their own unique features. It’s up to you to decide which of these features are most appropriate for the project you have in mind.

Professional woodworkers who routinely get involved in different kinds of projects are more likely to need to buy both the band and scroll saw. Most hobbyists could probably settle on one. The band saw is generally regarded the workhorse of the workshop as it is more flexible than the scroll saw in terms of project size.

Read our entire article here:


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