Best Cookware Brands-Truly The Best Jam Pot Ever:Demeyere Resto Maslin Pan with Lid - 10.6 qt

Описание к видео Best Cookware Brands-Truly The Best Jam Pot Ever:Demeyere Resto Maslin Pan with Lid - 10.6 qt

Are You Looking For Demeyere Resto Maslin Pan with Lid - 10.6 qt

I purchased this pot ~15 years ago through a high-end cooking supply. I've used it ever since and make ~300 jars of jam each year.

So, why do I love the pan? Well, the bottom of the pan is thick enough (5 layers?) that I have never had a problem with hot spots & scorching. This pan means that I can periodically stir the jam but still be working at the sink prepping the next batch of fruit.

An extremely nice feature is that the pot angles slightly outwards and then towards the top angles slightly back inwards; rather like parentheses. This means that when your jam reaches a rapid boil and suddenly foams up it, the mixture rolls back into the pan (as opposed to over the top, onto the stove, ...

While I insist on the pan for jam/marmmelade making, I also use it for large amounts of chili or corn-on-the-cob for a crowd. I insist on the pan enough that when I've gone over to a friend's house to teach them to make jam, I take the pan with me.

I am a major fan of Jeanne Lesem's lower-sugar jams. Having the bail & handle makes it easy to pour a heavy pan of jam mixture into pans for the 24-hour soaking phase.Preserving in Today's Kitchen: New, Faster Techniques for Preserving Foods at Their Peak of Flavor

I've used it on regular electric burners, ceramic hot tops, and propane burners. I believe it will also work with induction cooktops. I clean it with Bar Keepers Friend and dish soap it still looks brand new.   • Best Cookware Brands-Truly The Best J...  

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