Пожар на крыше. Подъем по АЛ на 14й этаж.

Описание к видео Пожар на крыше. Подъем по АЛ на 14й этаж.

Вечером поступил вызов на горение крыши 14-ти этажной новостройки. На месте в первые минуты признаков пожара не наблюдаем. Чуть позже выясняется, что горит не сама крыша, а оставленная строителями и самовоспламенившаяся от перегрева битумоварка. Рядом с горящей и подключенной к напряжению в 380 вольт битумоваркой стоит 200 литровая бочка с соляркой. Как можно такое оставлять без присмотра?!

Приступить к тушению сразу не можем. Со слов сторожа, он обесточил горящую ёмкость, но подписываться под допуском на тушение не хочет, приходится ждать энергослужбу. Выезд не сложный, но его могло не быть, если бы соблюдались элементарные меры безопасности! А не заметь сторож пожар вовремя, мог произойти разлив горящего битума.

При тушении в какой-то момент произошел выброс кипящего битума и пара, но к счастью никто не пострадал. Упавшую крагу нашел потом внизу, всё в порядке. Омск 2016г.

Fire on the roof of a 14-storey building. Bitumen, a ladder, and work at height.

In the evening, we received a call for a fire on the roof of a new high-rise building. On the scene, at first, there were no signs of fire. It turned out that it is not the roof itself that is on fire, but a bitumen melting boiler left unattended by the builders which had self-ignited from overheating, and still was connected

to the power grid with 380 Kv high tension line. To make things more interesting, there was a 200-liter barrel of diesel fuel near the burning bitumen boiler. How is it possible to leave things like that unattended??

It was not possible to start extinguishing the fire immediately. First, we had to wait for the power service to disconnect the burning object and give us permission to work safely. Then, we found that we didn't have enough fire hoses to create a hoseline long enough to reach the roof through the interior of the building (which is what we would do in normal fires in buildings of this height - normally we use internal built-in fire hydrants, but this building had not yet been connected to the water supply). And we could not create a free-hanging hoseline along the wall of the building, because of the high risk of hoses being riped under the weight of the water. Thus, there was only one way to put the fire out - we had to create a hoseline that was supported on the telescoped aerial ladder. Everything would have been easy, except the automatic lift basket refused to go up due to a malfunction. And we could not use the pipeline built into the ladder, since this fire aerial appliance was made in Germany and the diameter of its half-nuts does not match the half-nuts on our hoses. So, we had to climb all the way up on foot, carrying the hoseline with us.

At some point of extinguishing the fire, there was an eruption of boiling bitumen and steam, but fortunately, no one was hurt. I found my fallen glove after I went down to the ground. Omsk, 2016.

#fire #Омск #пожар

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