Mass Effect 2 - What Happens If You SIDE WITH MORINTH and KILL SAMARA??? (Includes ME3 Consequences)

Описание к видео Mass Effect 2 - What Happens If You SIDE WITH MORINTH and KILL SAMARA??? (Includes ME3 Consequences)

In this video, I'll show you what happens if you side with Morinth and kill Samara during Mass Effect 2. I'll show you how to get this outcome, as well as the consequences for the rest of ME2 (including romance!) and Mass Effect 3.

   • Mass Effect 2 - What Happens If You D...  

   • Mass Effect 2 - What Happens If You B...  

0:00 Introduction
1:02 How to Get This Option
2:47 Siding with Morinth
4:15 Talking with Morinth on The Normandy
6:15 Kasumi is Suspicious
6:36 Morinth as a Squadmate
7:42 Morinth Romance
8:58 Mass Effect 3 Consequences
9:37 Ardat-Yakshi Monastery w/o Samara
10:09 Final Encounter with Morinth on Earth

Shortly after recruiting the Asari Justicar, Samara, she will approach you about a sensitive matter regarding her wayward daughter, Morinth - a murderous and dangerous Ardat-Yakshi. Your task is to head to Omega, locate Morinth and lure her into a trap. This mission usually ends with Samara killing Morinth, and Shepard gaining the Justicar’s loyalty.

But if you play your cards right, you can actually side with Morinth, who will kill Samara and take her place on your squad instead. In order to do this you will need a very high paragon or renegade score to pass a difficult speech check when you are alone with Morinth.

You will learn about Morinth’s whereabouts from Aria T’Loak, who will point you to the apartment of Morinth’s latest victim - a young human woman in the lower apartments district. After speaking with the victim’s mother, you can search her room to discover her journal. Also be sure to interact with the art piece. It will be useful when speaking with Morinth.

Once inside the bar, speak with this guy and you will learn about Morinth’s favorite band - Expel 10. There are several different options available to gain Morinth’s attention here. Renegades can pick fights with people. Paragons can convince the bartender to serve free drinks and defend a woman’s honor. Once you’ve completed two or three of these activities, Morinth will pull you aside for a private chat.

Talk about Forta, Vaenia, Expel 10, Hellex, and say power is its own reward when talking about travel. Basically choose all the bottom / renegade options when speaking with Morinth at the table.

Once inside Morinth’s apartment, take some time to interact with each of the objects and hear Morinth talk about them. It’s also a good time to make a quicksave before speaking with her.

While talking to Morinth you will need to pass three increasingly difficult speech checks. This is why you need to have a very high paragon or renegade score. If you fail any of these checks, you will not have the option to side with Morinth.

If you pass every speech check, then you will have an opportunity to side with either Morinth or Samara during the confrontation. If you fail any of the speech checks, then you will automatically side with Samara, and Morinth will die.

When you return to the Normandy, Morinth will be in Samara’s old room on Deck 3, where you can speak with and even flirt with her. Other crew members like Kasumi and Kelly Chambers will comment on the changes to “Samara” once Morinth is in your crew. Nobody else will notice any difference

Morinth will maintain this cover while you are on missions, speaking and dressing exactly like her mother. Although there is one place on Tuchanka where she will break character and speak in her own voice.

In terms of combat, Morinth has two unique class abilities - Dominate and Ardat-Yakshi. Dominate allows her to mind control organic targets and get them to fight on your side temporarily. While Ardat-Yakshi is just a basic class progression that increases health, weapon damage, power cooldowns, etc.

During the final mission, Morinth can be selected as the biotic specialist during the middle part of the quest. She will successfully escort Shepard and crew through the seeker swarms, unlike Miranda.

After the suicide mission is over, provided Morinth survived you can actually have a more intimate moment with her... which leads to a Critical Mission Failure / Game Over screen lol.

Siding with Morinth also has some minor ramifications during Mass Effect 3. At the beginning of the game, Shepard will receive an email from Morinth. This outcome also changes the side mission where you investigate the Ardat-Yakshi monastery where Samara’s other two daughters live. Samara usually shows up during this mission but since she’s dead she obviously won’t be here. Morinth doesn’t show up either so you will spend most of your time interacting with Felare. At the end of the mission you will have the option to leave Felare behind or kill her.

During the final mission on Earth, you will discover Morinth has been turned into a banshee, and she will attack you shortly after you destroyed the Hades cannon.


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