Paula Kirman - To All Who Are Concerned - CO*LAB Saturday Music Series

Описание к видео Paula Kirman - To All Who Are Concerned - CO*LAB Saturday Music Series

#FolkMusic #Singer #Songwriter
Paula Kirman performing at the CO*LAB Saturday Music Series on November 13, 2021.

(A huge wind knocked over a structure outside the venue, which you'll hear partway through the video.)

During March and April of 2021, I took part in "Soloss," a community care network developed through a partnership between REACH Edmonton, InWithForward (a Vancouver social design agency), and the City of Edmonton's RECOVER Wellbeing initiative. The team was prototyping the "Losstender" position in Edmonton, based on ethnographic and other research by all of the partners over the previous three years with street-involved Edmontonians.

"Losstenders" are a constellation of folks who open up spaces for moments of grief to also be moments for connection. Basically, we are artists who sat with and spoke to "Sharers" who told us their stories of life and loss. Thought of another way, a "Losstender" is kind of like the friendly bartender to whom people bare their souls. Three unique people chose to share their stories with me, but I was there to do more than sit and listen. I created a song for each of them as a lasting artifact of our encounters and to help them on their healing journeys, through feeling heard and helping to address unmet needs through song.

I met a woman who shared her experiences being part of the 60s scoop, adopted by a white, religious Christian family. She was very specific about what she wanted her song to capture about her, almost like an anthem for her now being able to live authentically as a transgender woman. What struck me the most about her, was her positive energy despite having a very hard life. She radiated confidence and pride.


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