Treatment of MILD Uterine prolapse | Latest Day Care Procedure - Dr. Regina Joseph | Doctors' Circle

Описание к видео Treatment of MILD Uterine prolapse | Latest Day Care Procedure - Dr. Regina Joseph | Doctors' Circle

Dr. Regina Joseph | Appointment booking number: 9886204044
Consultant Aesthetics Physician, Cosmetic Gynaecologist | Splendore Cosmetic and Gynec Cosmetic Clinic, HSR 2nd Sector, Bangalore
Uterine prolapsed is seen after childbirth in women, in the premenopausal or the post menopausal age group. It is because of loosening or the strength of the vaginal ligaments has weakened out to cause Uterine prolapsed. Uterine prolapsed can be an illness to an individual, in a long term and it can come in the way of their day to day routine life. And can come in the way of the or bladder dysfunctions and they are more prone for infection here in Uterine prolapsed the cases dealt with Uterine prolapsed is the mild cases of Uterine prolapsed, where we use laser or IFU treatment and it causes neovasuclarisation and helps strengthening of the ligaments and the prolapsed can be held up. So it helps in a greater level.


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