Erythropoiesis: Process of Production of Red Blood Cells (Hematopoiesis)

Описание к видео Erythropoiesis: Process of Production of Red Blood Cells (Hematopoiesis)

Welcome to My YouTube Channel Power of Knowledge Academy. In this video you will learn about the process of Red blood cells production called Erythropoiesis.
Erythropoiese is a type of hematopoiesis.

What is erythropoiesis?
Erythropoiesis is your body’s process of making red blood cells (erythrocytes). Erythropoiesis ensures you have the right number of blood cells, not too few or too many.
Where does erythropoiesis occur?
Erythropoiesis starts before people are born. This is fetal erythropoiesis. By the time people are born, erythropoiesis takes place in people’s bone marrow. Bone marrow is the spongy tissue inside of your bones.

Fetal erythropoiesis
The location of erythropoiesis changes as a fetus develops during pregnancy.

Week three: Erythropoiesis begins in the yolk sac. A yolk sac is a structure that nourishes a developing embryo.
Months two and three: Erythropoiesis occurs in a fetus’s liver and spleen.
Month five: Erythropoiesis occurs in a fetus’s bone marrow.
And then throughout Life time Process of Erythropoiesis occurs in red bone marrow.
What are the stages of erythropoiesis?
With erythropoiesis, an originator cell called a hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) matures into a fully mature red blood cell, or erythrocyte. A cell advances through many stages for this to happen.

Each type of blood cell (red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets) begin as an HSC. For a red blood cell to eventually form, an HSC becomes a common myeloid progenitor (CMP) cell. A CMP may mature into a red blood cell, platelet or some types of white blood cells. A CMP that eventually becomes a red blood cell develops into a megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor cell (MEP).

Once it’s developed into a MEP, the cell is on track to become a red blood cell. It progresses through the following stages as it develops:

Erythrocyte (fully mature red blood cell).
Your bone marrow releases mature blood cells into your bloodstream. Once they’re in your bloodstream, your red blood cells can move oxygen from your lungs to your tissue. They can move carbon dioxide from your tissues to your lungs (to be exhaled).



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