Marble and Rainbow Trout | Soča River, Slovenia | Spring 2022

Описание к видео Marble and Rainbow Trout | Soča River, Slovenia | Spring 2022

In early May of 2022, I was finally able to tackle one of my biggest fly-fishing dreams ever: chasing Marble Trout in Slovenia. On this day, I was beyond blessed to have my daughter and #1 fishing buddy Katherine join me for this very memorable trip on the upper Soča River, northwest of the village of Tolmin.

Our guide on the Soča was Lesly Janssen of Simply put, he's amazing. He spotted countless trout – both Marbles and Rainbows – that we would've likely passed by without ever seeing. Lesly's knowledge of the river, the fish, and of course, the tactics turned what would've otherwise been a "skunked" day into a truly epic one, chock full of tight lines and big trout.

The evening prior, we stayed at the farm-lodge of Pri Kafolu, just outside the village of Tolmin. Fantastic accommodations and food, with a very friendly and warm atmosphere provided by owner Tomaz Kafol.

In my humble opinion, every serious trout-chasing fly angler should make Slovenia a top bucket-list item/priority. ;-)


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