Sepulcher of the First Ones - Prototype Pantheon Solo (Normal)

Описание к видео Sepulcher of the First Ones - Prototype Pantheon Solo (Normal)

Second difficult solo of the instance for a number of reasons:

Necrotic Ritual is a DPS check that needs to be beaten or the floor is covered in goo that deals damage and completely prevents healing.

Gloom Bolt absorbs significant healing if it is not interrupted, and the cast is frequent enough that some will go through. This requires you to have high self healing in order to remove the debuff yourself.

Anima Bolt stacks infinitely and will eventually tick for lethal damage unless you have a way to cause it to drop off. I talented for a shorter interrupt and longer duration AMS in order to do this.

DPS check to burst them down before the Anima Bolt dot stacks too high, or you have too high a healing absorb from Gloom Bolt and die to regular damage, depending on which mob you are choosing to interrupt.

Very fun fight to solo and my favourite of the instance thus far.


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