Here is the single most effective place to donate your money

Описание к видео Here is the single most effective place to donate your money

More than 86 per cent of Canadians donate to a charity every year. The average donation is $446. Collectively, we send 10 billion dollars to charities and non-profits each year.
So good for us. But how do we know that our generous contributions are going to be used for good? Will my dollars be used to cure cancer, or will it just fund a bunch of stupid yellow bracelets?
Well, let’s take a look at what is, by most measures, the most effective charity in Canada.

Everything Should Be Better: From canned food donations to the lottery, @TristinHopper takes aim at all the pointless and wasteful things we do out of laziness, ignorance or worse.
Produced by John Richardson and Tristin Hopper
Edit & Photo illustration: John Richardson

#shouldbebetter #esbb


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