Mick West v/s High School Physics

Описание к видео Mick West v/s High School Physics

Mick West has emerged as the premier voice of skepticism and science in the field of #uap AKA UFO's. But in his latest debate with Marik von Rennenkampff on Jesse Michel's channel, Mick disgraces himself by failing to understand the most basic point about the Doppler effect. He does this in the same breath as insinuating that Hal Putoff is not a real physicist.

If you are on the skeptical side of the UFO question, you really need better spokespeople than Mick West, who also admitted to being paid by someone he won't name in this debate.

Link to the original debate:    • The UFO Debate: Which UFOs Are Aliens?  . Clip in question starts around the 3 hours and 37 minutes mark.


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