Do Kids Need Blue Light Blocking Glasses? How Blue Light Affects Your Child's Eyes

Описание к видео Do Kids Need Blue Light Blocking Glasses? How Blue Light Affects Your Child's Eyes

Blue Light Blocking Glasses are being talked about more and more these days. How does blue light affect your eyes and your child's eyes? Do blue light glasses even work? Do Kids actually need blue light glasses? Dr. EyeGuy gives all the in-depth answers.

High Quality Kid's Blue Light Blocking Glasses:
Swanwick Kid's Crystal Custom Prescription Swannies:
Swanwick Kid's Crystal Day Swannies:

Blue Light Blocking Glasses For All Ages:
Swanwick Blue Light Glasses:

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In this Video:
Blue Light is an important topic to talk about. With increased use of screens these days, especially with children, how does blue light affect our eyes. There are three areas of blue light that are studies. Is Blue light dangerous? Does blue light cause digital eye strain and computer vision syndrome? Does blue light affect your sleep cycle, or biological clock. Dr. Guymon goes in depth of how blue light can affect your child's eyes. You will find that blue light does affect your circadian rhythm. If kids are using screens later in the evening, this can affect their sleep. This can suppress melatonin production in the brain. Anti Blue Light Blocking glasses can help block this blue light, to help with their circadian rhythm. This can help regulate the melatonin production in the brain. Are blue light glasses needed for digital eye strain, or even to protect eyes from blue light? Dr. Guymon gives an in-depth answer if blue light glasses even work, especially for sleep.

What is discussed in this video:
0:00 Intro
0:55 What Is Blue Light?
1:51 How Does Blue Light Affect Our Eyes?
6:14 Recommendations To Help Your Child's Eyes
7:47 Blue Light Glasses For Kids?

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