how to stop being a people pleaser (& start communicating your needs)

Описание к видео how to stop being a people pleaser (& start communicating your needs)

your people pleasing days are over! it's time to stop putting others on a pedestal, and start considering yourself.

people pleasers are conditioned from an early age to put others needs above their own. when people pleasers start becoming their own person, it might be difficult as your mind has spent years not listening to your body. this video serves as a short guide to learn how to stop people pleasing, and to start learning how to communicate your wants and needs.

00:00 people pleasing comes from childhood
3:20 aftermath of childhood conditioning
4:10 you need to communicate for balance
5:00 how to stop people pleasing?
5:10 realize your wants matter
6:12 start small
7:37 using anger to your advantage
11:00 learn how to say no
13:15 allow yourself to say yes
14:05 compromise is the end goal
16:03 recap


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