How to Get on Top of the Ball and Crush a Volleyball

Описание к видео How to Get on Top of the Ball and Crush a Volleyball

In this video, I'll show you how to get on top of the ball and crush a volleyball with greater rotational power and arm speed.

One of our college bound Volleyball Power Hitting Masterclass athletes was asking why she wasn't getting on top of the ball. Watch PC360 Founder Billy Glisan's breakdown of why she wasn't getting on top of the ball and compare it to a former pro player's body motion.

To get on top of the ball you have to learn to tilt your upper body, from your pelvis all the way up through the spine and shoulders. When done correctly, the body will turn fast around the spine and allow the hitting arm to drive the hand up on top of the ball and crush it down the line.

Most young hitters have their shoulders level or parallel with the top of the net and then when they turn their body they often pull the balls out of bounds. Fix this by tilted your body to get your right arm over your left leg at ball contact.

Make sure you land on two feet to protect your knees and ankles from injury.


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