How To Teach A Dog To Sit | Chewtorials

Описание к видео How To Teach A Dog To Sit | Chewtorials

Knowing the sit command is one of the most important skills a dog can have. Find out how to teach a dog to sit with these 4 simple steps from a professional dog trainer.

Not only does teaching your dog to sit lay the foundation for ongoing dog training, but it also curbs your pup’s impulses and keeps them out of harm’s way. For example, you can have your dog sit on cue when company’s over, when you’re running inside a convenience store for a quick errand while your dog is on-leash, or when your pup is rambunctious and could benefit from calming down.

Teaching your dog the sit command is easier than you might think. It just takes patience and consistency. Depending on your dog or puppy’s attention span and interest in training, these training sessions can be either once a day or broken up throughout the day into multiple sessions.

Follow these steps to train your dog to sit.

1. Hold a treat in your hand.

Put a treat into your hand and move it in front of your dog or puppy’s mouth and nose until you get their attention. Let them sniff and nibble.

2. Move the treat above your dog's head and say the word "sit."

Once your dog is focused, slowly move the treat up and slightly behind their head. (Aim for about three inches above them.) This should cause your puppy to move backward before eventually sitting.

By moving the treat only about three inches up, it’s still obtainable and desired. And, since you’re moving it up, your dog will naturally look up, which puts their butt down on the ground. If this doesn’t work, try taking a step closer to your dog so you’re positioned above them and they have to look up even higher. This tends to naturally lead to a sitting position.

3. Once your dog is a sit, praise them!

As soon as your dog’s bottom touches the floor, happily say “Good sit!” and then reward your dog with a treat to let them know that this was the correct behavior. By saying “good sit,” your dog will continue to hear the word “sit” and better associate it with the action that just happened.

4. Repeat this process.

You should do about 10 to 15 repetitions of this in a calm and comfortable area where your dog can focus and learn. Count out your dog training treats beforehand so you can keep track of how many repetitions you have done.

Keep up the training sessions and soon your dog will learn to sit on command. Read our full guide to teaching your dog to sit:

Shop everything you need for your dog at Chewy:

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