Wendy Murdoch, Rider Biomechanics Rising Trot. The Art Of The Horseman

Описание к видео Wendy Murdoch, Rider Biomechanics Rising Trot. The Art Of The Horseman

Understand the influence of the hip, and proper biomechanics in the rising trot.

Did you ever wish you could gather up some of the industry's best and learn from them without even leaving town?

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www.BecauseOfTheHorse.net . GET A FREE TICKET!

Who is it for?

Anyone Who Seeks The BEST FOR THEIR HORSE!

What is it?

A Groundbreaking Educational Event
With Over 40 Presentations from leading experts in the industry.

Top experts you can trust.
People That Believe in Putting The Horse First

Experience This Remarkable Event...FOR FREE...

Best of all, it is free and you can “attend” from the comfort of your own home, or wherever you may be, using your phone, computer, tablet, or other electronic device with internet access.

Topics include...

For The Horse; biomechanics, equine learning, equipment selection, groundwork, bodywork, trailer loading, working with rescue horses, positive reinforcement, gymnastic exercises, suppling exercises, cantering, biomechanics, energy work, body language, chakra balancing, muscular reaction points, and many more!

For The Rider; confidence, rider yoga, biomechanics, riding position, mind, body, spirit, riding with the garrocha, nutrition, clarity, ridden stretching exercises, seat, diet, life balance, nutrition, intentions, mindfulness, and more.

Get Your FREE Ticket at https://www.becauseofthehorse.net/

Because of The Horse Presents ~ THE ART OF THE HORSEMAN ~ 3 solid days of Interviews, Clinics, and Seminars with some of the most considerate and thoughtful horsemen and women in the industry.

Presenters include; Warwick Schiller, Mary Wanless, Bernie Traurig, Karen Rohlf, Wendy Murdoch, Lynn Palm, Callie King, Jec Aristotle Ballou, Paul Dietz, Barbara Schulte, Jack Curtis, Linda and Pat Parelli, Hannah Weston, Sharon Wilsie, Christian Langeder, Paula Curtis, Heidi Blackman, Stormy May, Anna Bergenstrahle, Carlos Tabernaberri, Kate Fenner, Ariana Sakaris, Missy Wryn, Anna Twinney, Cyril Pittion-Rossillon, Alice Trindle, Bryan Neubert, Michael Gascon, Ivy Schexnayder, Carolyn Fitzpatrick, Lindsey Partridge, Andrea Wady, Phillippa Christie, and more.

An ONLINE Educational Experience

With amazing horsemen and women from around the world.

Top experts you can trust.
Best of all, it is free and you can “attend” from the comfort of your own home, or wherever you may be using your phone, computer, tablet, or other electronic devices with internet access.
Learn about how you can get lifetime access to all this and more at https://www.becauseofthehorse.net/


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