Smart Parcel Box -Outdoor parcel delivery Drop box & Mail box

Описание к видео Smart Parcel Box -Outdoor parcel delivery Drop box & Mail box

Online shopping experience does not end on placing the order on website but the real pain starts when you have to be at home for deliveries or opt for click and collect stores. Now Get your home deliveries and returns securely , even when you are not at home. No more failed deliveries and missed you cards.Shop Online and set your code for the Smart parcel box. The delivery can be done easily in your absence with the facility of scanning code for proof of delivery and the Mail box locks itself. Your parcels are safe and secure.You can also you it for returns and collection. Just share your PIN code to the collector or any friend coming for some important documents. Put your parcels or documents in the Smart Parcel box. The collector can visit in your presence and receive the parcel. You can then change your code when you come back. Thus the panic and long waiting of deliveries at home has been vanished. Be smart and opt the smartest way for your successful Online shopping experience.


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