Learn Japanese with Momo | DAN DA DAN | Have you ever seen a cattle mutilation?

Описание к видео Learn Japanese with Momo | DAN DA DAN | Have you ever seen a cattle mutilation?

Today, I chose the words from the trailers of DAN DA DAN Episodes 9 and 10. Okarun is excited when he sees the merger between an UMA and an alien!

👉 Here are today’s 16 Japanese words in Kanji.

A へんな 変な:(adjective) weird, odd
B むりな 無理な:(adjective) unreasonable, impossible
C いやな 嫌な:(adjective) unpleasant, disagreeable
D へたな 下手な:(adjective) unskillful, awkward

A けだま 毛玉:(noun) pilling, lint
B くるま 車:(noun) car
C あたま 頭:(noun) head
D あくま 悪魔:(noun) demon

A でんち 電池:(noun) battery
B いのち 命:(noun) life, lifetime
C きもち 気持ち:(noun) feeling
D そうち 装置:(noun) equipment, device

A さめ サメ:(noun) shark
B ゆめ 夢:(noun) dream
C あめ 雨:(noun) rain
D かめ 亀:(noun) turtle

In my opinion, you don’t have to start learning Kanji until you complete 2000 Japanese words expressed with Hiragana. Learning Kanji characters is fun. However, there are so many Kanji characters, and each Kanji character has multiple pronunciations so that it takes time to master. For beginner and intermediate level Japanese learners, mastering hiragana and learning pronunciation are the first priority.

00:00 Intro
01:03 Question1
02:53 Question2
04:38 Question3
06:29 Question4
08:23 Outro

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