Wedding Film Editing Course by Rob Adams

Описание к видео Wedding Film Editing Course by Rob Adams

I’ve been wanting to do this for years.

I know how hard it can be to run a wedding film studio and deal with all of the editing, the time spent in a chair and training new editors only to see results that underwhelm. You want to be creative and make great wedding films but the editing process always seems to be an issue.

I feel your pain. But i’ve developed a tool that can help. This is a tool that you can use to hone your own skills or to train someone to edit for you at a quality you expect.

This is my Wedding Film Editing Course.

In this 6 module training video you will watch me organize, story-build, B-roll edit, audio-mix, sound design and color-grade an entire 4 minute highlights film in real-time!

I’ve left nothing out. You can watch the entire process. I will show you every step I take to creating my wedding films using a real-world example - a real wedding with real problems.

I’ll be faced with the same challenges you do, like limited footage, bad audio and the challenge of making a wedding film from a wedding that didn’t hand me everything on a silver platter.

The best part is that while I edit I will be talking you through the reasons for my methods, and my thought process behind my story-telling. you’ll hear a full narration while I work.

This true-to-life edit is just what you need to make editors understand a process that is tried and true so you can deliver wedding films at a consistent quality every time.

Whether you’re new to the business of wedding video or have doing it for years this editing course will equip you and your team for success.

Don’t let long hours in the edit chair keep you from having a quality personal life. You owe to yourself as a business-owner to work ON your business and not so much “in-it.”

Purchase of the course also gets you access to my secret facebook group where you can ask me questions, share your progress with the community and offer suggestions on new and upcoming courses I will release.

Are you ready to become a better wedding film editor and business-owner. This is the first step. Order now at the introductory price before the cost goes up.

I’ve been editing wedding films for 22 years and want to help you be a better editor and run a better wedding film business.

#weddingfilmediting #howtoeditweddingfilms #videoediting


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