Blood and Iron Hussar Lancer

Описание к видео Blood and Iron Hussar Lancer

Hussar horse + Lance = ultimate weapon of mass destruction which should be in the geneva convention upon its foundation

Lance does the most damage a melee weapon can do, but only on horseback, the "Lancer horse" is a little slower than the "Hussar horse" which means that the Lance does less damage on the "Lancer horse" (about 4/5 damage on a player), but if you use a Lance on a Hussar horse the Lance will one hit (5/5) even a player on full hp. I had a nice teammate dump me a hussar horse at the start of the game, while I picked "Lanciers Polonais"(Polish Lanciers) regiment and the video is a result of the following.

Note: I had a quite a lot of lag in the game, which meant that some of the hits didn't register.


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