How do brains wire up?

Описание к видео How do brains wire up?

The brain is made up of billions of nerve cells, or neurons, wired together in a highly complex and organised way. But how do they know where to go when the brain is developing?
These remarkable time-lapse movies capture the journey of living neurons in the frog brain. Narrated by Professor Christine Holt, these movies show some of the discoveries of her research group in the Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience.

Movie credits: Sonia Witte, Trina Lu Bo, Hanno Svoboda and Christine Holt
Read more: @/journeys-of-discovery-wiring-the-brain

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Zivraj, K., Tung, L., Piper, M., Gumy, L., Fawcett, J., Yeo, G. and Holt, C.E. Subcellular profiling reveals distinct and developmentally regulated repertoire of growth cone mRNAs. J. Neurosci. 30(46):15464-78 (2010)

Shigeoka, T., Jung, H., Jung, J., Turner-Bridger,, B., Ohk, J., Lin, J.Q., Amieux, P.S. and Holt, C.E. Dynamic axonal translation in developing and mature visual circuits. Cell Jun 30; 166(1):181-92 (2016)

Wong, H.H., Lin, J.Q., Ströhl, F., Roque, C.G., Cioni,, J.M., Cagnetta, R., Turner-Bridger, B., Laine, R., Harris, W.A., Kaminski, C.F. and Holt, C.E. RNA docking and local translation regulate site-specific axon remodelling in vivo. Neuron 95(4) doi: 10.1016/j.neuron Aug (2017)

Holt, C.E., Martin, K.C. and Schuman., E.M. Local Translation in Neurons: visualization and function. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology. 26(7):557-566 Jul 2019


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