When Should You Stop Saving? | How Much Is Enough in Retirement? | Christy Capital Management

Описание к видео When Should You Stop Saving? | How Much Is Enough in Retirement? | Christy Capital Management

When it comes to preparing for retirement, when is enough, enough?

One of the first things we do for people is work up a financial plan. We put in all the inputs. Pension amounts, SS amounts, assets amounts. Then we get goals, and expenses and where the money will be spent on. What type of lifestyle do you want to live at? The financial plan can be condensed down to a picture.

Starting with $500k. Paying all the expenses and accomplishing all the goals that you set, it shows you die at age 100 with $4.6 million.

As my kids would say, #Enough. You have enough. Indeed you have more than enough.

So if that is the case, should they keep saving? Let's look at some numbers.

Here is a different example.

Here is a $500k balance, contributions of $15k a year, estimating an 8% growth rate. In the first year it grows $41,200. It grew $15k because you kept saving, but it grew $41k just because the nest egg was big enough to grow on its own.

In year 10, you are still contributing $15k, but the growth is estimated at $97k. You can see, once you get the nest egg big enough, the growth takes care of itself. Adding more may not be necessary.

You do want to get your free match, so make sure you are contributing enough to get that.

How do you answer the question, "How much is enough?"

Well the Biblical answer for how much is enough, is the amount you have right now. Do you know how many verses in the Bible are about money? Over 2,300.

Hebrews 13:5 says keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have.

When you get a financial plan done, and it shows that you have enough to meet your lifestyle requests, what do you do then?

That gives you some options.

- Increase your lifestyle
- Help your children / grandchildren
- Give money away
- Pay down debt

I have met with lots of people where we do a plan, and it shows with reasonable growth rates, they can make it to their 90's and die with $6 million, $7 million, maybe $10 million. Do you want to hear the response that I hear most?

That doesn't interest them. Most people want enough. And they can see that $10 million is way more than enough.

Have you reached the point where you don't need to save anymore?

Do you want to sit down with somebody and have a financial plan done so you can see if you have reached the point where you don't have to save anymore?

Reach out to ChristyCapital.com or call the number on your screen. Somebody here would love to talk to you to see if you qualify to get a financial plan done. It really shows you the possibilities of how your retirement can look.
Retirement Benefits Institute has trained thousands of federal employees as they make plans for federal retirement. We have now merged with Christy Capital Management which enables us to better serve people like you. For more information about your federal retirement benefits, go to our website at https://christycapital.com to get support.

The information contained in this video should not be used in any actual transaction without the advice and guidance of a tax or financial professional who is familiar with all the relevant facts. The information contained here is general in nature and is not intended as legal, tax or investment advice. Furthermore, the information contained herein may not be applicable to or suitable for the individuals’ specific circumstances or needs and may require consideration of other matters. RBI is not a broker-dealer, investment advisory firm, insurance company, or agency and does not provide investment or insurance-related advice or recommendations. Brandon Christy, President of RBI, is also president of Christy Capital Management, Inc. (CCM), a registered investment advisor.


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