Isgang - Velo Tormentoso

Описание к видео Isgang - Velo Tormentoso

SUBSIST.251D Camino a Liurna by Isgang



This album has sounds inspired by a dark time in which iron predominated on earth, it tries to transport you to a world of scarcity of light.

 With a serious and forceful rhythm, mixing sequenced synths, aggressive percussions and rubbery and grainy textures

Spanish techno/hypnotic-techno Dj and Producer , Ignacio Cuéllar Abascal, born in Madrid in 1990 with great spain projection  Creativity, feeling and passion for hard, forceful and deep rhythms conform the particular style of his productions.

 He seeks to surprise with a totally new and promising concept, bringing out the sounds he has inside, mixing software and analog instruments, to create the perfect atmosphere to enjoy techno at its best. Releasing his music on labels such as Asphixia Records, TMM Recordings, Diffuse Reality, Dissolved Mind Records, Sintetics, Loopaina Records, among others.

His music has been played in emblematic places by high level artists. In 2022 he joins two partners to create a label (Loopaina Records) where he currently works as a producer.

 At the beginning of 2023 his own label Ethnic Meeting Label is born, where creativity, nature and the deepest and most atmospheric sounds are the protagonists.


Este álbum tiene unos sonidos inspirados en una época oscura en la que predominaba el hierro en la tierra, intenta transportarte a un mundo de escasez de luz.

Con un ritmo serio y contundente, mezclando sintes secuenciados, percusiones agresivas y texturas gomosas y granuladas

Dj y productor español de techno/hipnótico-techno, Ignacio Cuéllar Abascal, nacido en Madrid en 1990 con gran proyección en España Creatividad, sentimiento y pasión por los ritmos duros, contundentes y profundos conforman el particular estilo de sus producciones.

 Busca sorprender con un concepto totalmente nuevo y prometedor, sacando a relucir los sonidos que lleva dentro, mezclando software e instrumentos analógicos, para crear la atmósfera perfecta para disfrutar del techno en su máxima expresión. Lanzando su música en sellos como Asphixia Records, TMM Recordings, Diffuse Reality, Dissolved Mind Records, Sintetics, Loopaina Records, entre otros.

Su música ha sido tocada en lugares emblemáticos por artistas de alto nivel. En 2022 se une a dos socios para crear un sello (Loopaina Records) donde actualmente trabaja como productor.

 A principios de 2023 nace su propio sello Ethnic Meeting Label, donde la creatividad, la naturaleza y los sonidos más profundos y atmosféricos son los protagonistas.

releases November 1 , 2024

Artwork by Fon
Mastering at Magic Studio

" Sound Expression Against World Pressure ”


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