Hard Spandex ...

Описание к видео Hard Spandex ...

You're a Damn Good Cop, Jim Gordon

Harley's crew steals a mysterious device from Wayne Enterprises, but Clayface's arm gets severed and gains a life of its own. Depressed after learning that Batman doesn't see him as a friend, Commissioner Gordon interrogates Clayface's hand about Harley's crew's whereabouts, but ends up bonding with it. While Harley, Clayface, and King Shark attempt to retrieve the hand, Ivy and Psycho seek revenge on an online personality named Cowled Critic for defaming them. King Shark gets beaten by police officers and sent to prison while Ivy and Psycho discover that the Cowled Critic is their estranged son, Herman, and reconcile with him.

During a shootout with Gordon, Harley discovers that the device is a teleporter when it sends her to the Batcave. Realizing she had been selfish and ignoring her teammates, Harley encourages Batman to help stop Gordon after he becomes obsessively protective of the hand. Batman reconciles with Gordon, Clayface reabsorbs his hand, and Harley and her team escape. While celebrating, they realize they forgot about King Shark and quickly bust him out of prison.

#harleyquinn #Batman #Nemesis #KingShark #Robin #Joker #Humiliation #Eviction #Rescue #Heist #LegionOfDoom #Clayface #HarleyQuinn #SupervillainAntics #LegionofDoom #harleyquinn #JokerDrama #CriminalMachinations #ScarecrowFearToxin #LeagueIntervention #JokerInvasion #GothamUnderThreat #HarleyVsJoker #FearToxinChaos #GothamInPeril #CrewUnity #HarleyQuinn #RescueMission


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